With Oprah, Martha and Rosie lending their names to magazines (and the Olsen Twins set to follow), it seems inevitable that every magazine will eventually have a celebrity name attached to it. Modern Humorist proposes that Condé Nast snap up the late playwright Samuel Beckett for its new shopping magazine, called Lucky. The magazine already shows a utterly po-mo attitude toward shopping in its February 2001 issue: Can you determine which of the following quotes refer to Beckett and which are from the issue?
1. |
"Please put away that old straw basket."
Directive from Pozzo to Lucky in Waiting for Godot
Directive from Lucky to its readers to replace their worn flaxen totes with lightweight, colorful bags
2. |
Jacqueline Demontravel
Character from Beckett's More Pricks Than Kicks
Writer for Lucky
3. |
"We should have thought of it a million years ago, in the nineties."
Vladimir to Estragon, lamenting how far they've fallen in the world in Waiting for Godot
Spa owner describing milk pedicures in Lucky
4. |
wittily juxtaposed with Being and Nothingness"
William Barrett, reviewing the American premiere of "Krapp's Last Tape" for the New York Review of Books
Lucky's idea of how to display hairstyling books on your coffee table
5. |
Koko and Palenki
The main characters in Endgame
A "haven for shoe fetishists" in Coconut Grove, Fla., as reviewed by Lucky
6. |
"Is there something wrong with me? I ask because everywhere I look I see color, color, color, and yet I seem incapable of ever purchasing any garment that isn't black."
Molloy, describing his sartorial quirks in the eponymous novel
Question to "Dr. Shopper" in Lucky
7. |
"I had four ways of wearing my shirt. Front to front right side out, front to front inside out, back to front right side out, back to front inside out."
Molloy, describing his sartorial quirks in the eponymous novel
A fashion designer, explaining how to transform a shirt into different looks in Lucky article "They're the Tops"
8. |
the stones
so calm
The end of Lucky's soliloquy in Wating for Godot
A cruise ad in Lucky
9. |
"And things, what is the correct attitude to adopt toward things? And, to begin with, are they necessary?"
The narrator of The Unnamable
A New York City art director, interviewed in Lucky, which describes her apartment as an "ode to minimalism"
10. |
"I hate seeing a lot of stuff lying around, it makes me uneasy."
The narrator of The Unnamable
A New York City art director, interviewed in Lucky, which describes her apartment as an "ode to minimalism"
[ Answers ]

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The Breakfast Table
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The Britney Papers
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