BACK IN TEXAS we have a word for smartypantses like those folks at Modern Humorist: "Smartypants folks." Still, they've been nice enough to help me publish my new book, "My First Presidentiary: A Scrapbook by George W. Bush" (with help from Kevin Guilfoile and John Warner). If you click your arrow thing on the book cover, you can buy it.
Want to keep track of all my White House adventures? Sign up for my special pen-pal service below. Also on this page you can find some sample pages from my book, as well as some special Web-only funnies. And I've hidden some "Easter Eggs" on this site: lists of national enemies, launch codes, that sort of thing. Remember, America: All your base are belong to us!


Wow! Being President is really crazy, with all the bill-signing, crime-solving and napping. When things get too out of hand, I like to write down my most important thoughts, and because I trust Americans, I want to share those thoughts with you. So to get the inside story of what my "vida loca" is all about, just enter your e-mail address below. You'll receive a special e-mail from me (with
help from Kevin Guilfoile and John Warner) once
or twice a week.
This e-mail service is different from Banter, the regular
Modern Humorist newsletter. If you're subscribed to Banter,
you still need to sign up separately for this one. |
For more on the book, my feud with
Mark Twain, and information about my co-authors,
go to myfirstpresidentiary.com.
read "My First Presidentiary," and they'll have you
to thank. |
hats, posters, whoopee cushions & more. |
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as you dumb I am? Discuss "My
First Presidentiary" and me (George W. Bush) on Plastic.
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